Create a class that contains data that you want to keep in memory. Set Shared Memory Enabled mode enabled for this class on properties. Define setter and getter. Then go to SHMA t-code. Give your class name as the root class.
![shared memory class Shared memory class](
Shared Memory Enabled Class
class ZPSAA_CL_BUDGET_AVC_SHARED definition public final create public shared memory enabled . public section. interfaces IF_SHM_BUILD_INSTANCE . methods GET_ATTRIBUTES exporting !E_ATTRIBUTES type ZPSAA_S_AV_CONTROL_SHARED . methods SET_ATTRIBUTES importing !I_ATTRIBUTES type ZPSAA_S_AV_CONTROL_SHARED . PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. data ATTRIBUTES type ZPSAA_S_AV_CONTROL_SHARED . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZPSAA_CL_BUDGET_AVC_SHARED IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD get_attributes. e_attributes = attributes. ENDMETHOD. METHOD if_shm_build_instance~build. DATA: area TYPE REF TO ZPSAA_CL_AVC_SHARED_AREA, "area defined on SHMA tcode root TYPE REF TO ZPSAA_CL_BUDGET_AVC_SHARED, excep TYPE REF TO cx_root. DATA: attributes TYPE ZPSAA_S_AV_CONTROL_SHARED. TRY. area = ZPSAA_CL_AVC_SHARED_AREA=>attach_for_write( ). CATCH cx_shm_error INTO excep. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE cx_shm_build_failed EXPORTING previous = excep. ENDTRY. CREATE OBJECT root AREA HANDLE area. CALL METHOD root->set_attributes EXPORTING i_attributes = attributes. area->set_root( root ). area->detach_commit( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_attributes. attributes = i_attributes. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
Shared Memory Write
class ZPSAA_CL_BUDGET_AVC_SHARED definition public final create public shared memory enabled . public section. interfaces IF_SHM_BUILD_INSTANCE . methods GET_ATTRIBUTES exporting !E_ATTRIBUTES type ZPSAA_S_AV_CONTROL_SHARED . methods SET_ATTRIBUTES importing !I_ATTRIBUTES type ZPSAA_S_AV_CONTROL_SHARED . PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. data ATTRIBUTES type ZPSAA_S_AV_CONTROL_SHARED . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZPSAA_CL_BUDGET_AVC_SHARED IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD get_attributes. e_attributes = attributes. ENDMETHOD. METHOD if_shm_build_instance~build. DATA: area TYPE REF TO ZPSAA_CL_AVC_SHARED_AREA, "area defined on SHMA tcode root TYPE REF TO ZPSAA_CL_BUDGET_AVC_SHARED, excep TYPE REF TO cx_root. DATA: attributes TYPE ZPSAA_S_AV_CONTROL_SHARED. TRY. area = ZPSAA_CL_AVC_SHARED_AREA=>attach_for_write( ). CATCH cx_shm_error INTO excep. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE cx_shm_build_failed EXPORTING previous = excep. ENDTRY. CREATE OBJECT root AREA HANDLE area. CALL METHOD root->set_attributes EXPORTING i_attributes = attributes. area->set_root( root ). area->detach_commit( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_attributes. attributes = i_attributes. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
Shared Memory Write
"fill structure DATA(attributes) = VALUE zpsaa_s_av_control_shared( applik = i_applik value_type = i_value_type activity = i_activity fiscal_year = i_fiscal_year fiscal_year_glg = i_fiscal_year_glg user = i_user objnr = lv_objnr posit = i_posit fund = i_fund farea = i_farea distributable = e_max_distributable assigned = i_assigned flg_cover = i_flg_cover org_level = i_org_level flg_check_soft = i_flg_check_soft ). DATA:lo_area TYPE REF TO zpsaa_cl_avc_shared_area, lo_root TYPE REF TO zpsaa_cl_budget_avc_shared. TRY. zpsaa_cl_avc_shared_area=>build( ). CATCH cx_shma_not_configured. RETURN. CATCH cx_shm_inconsistent. RETURN. CATCH cx_shm_build_failed. RETURN. ENDTRY. TRY. lo_area = zpsaa_cl_avc_shared_area=>attach_for_update( ). CATCH cx_shm_pending_lock_removed. RETURN. CATCH cx_shm_change_lock_active. RETURN. CATCH cx_shm_version_limit_exceeded. RETURN. CATCH cx_shm_exclusive_lock_active. RETURN. CATCH cx_shm_inconsistent. RETURN. CATCH cx_shm_no_active_version. RETURN. ENDTRY. lo_root ?= lo_area->get_root( ). IF lo_root IS INITIAL. CREATE OBJECT lo_root AREA HANDLE lo_area. ENDIF. "write data to shared memory class CALL METHOD lo_root->set_attributes EXPORTING i_attributes = attributes. "comes from foreground program lo_area->set_root( lo_root ). lo_area->detach_commit( ).
Read Memory
TRY. DATA(area) = zpsaa_cl_avc_shared_area=>attach_for_read( ). "read memory data area->root->get_attributes( IMPORTING e_attributes = DATA(attributes) ). area->detach( ). CATCH cx_root. CLEAR attributes. RETURN. ENDTRY.
You can use t-code SHMM to see and analyze Shared Memory Objects.