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How to add a new property to the existing DTO in Hybris?

If you want to add new properties to the existing DTO, if you want to extend DTO without touching the original xml definition, SAP Commerce Hybris offers a very easy way.

Add a new property to the DTO

I want to add additional properties to an OOTB (Out Of The Box) DTO. de.hybris.platform.commercewebservicescommons.dto.product.ProductWsDTO

I want to add a new property called isNew to ProductWsDTO.

Go to your webservices extension. It might be <name>webservices

Open <name>webservices-beans.xml file under resources folder.

Add the following lines.

<bean class="de.hybris.platform.commercewebservicescommons.dto.product.ProductWsDTO">
	<property name="isNew" type="java.lang.Boolean"/>

Mapper Configuration

If you have same field in the ProductData you should set fieldMapper to auto mapping of this field.

Go to <name>webservices extension → web → webroot → v2 → dto-level-mappings-v2-spring.xml

Search for ProductWsDTO if does not exist, create the below lines. If there is, just add your new field in the desired entry. Field mappers have 3 entry options; BASIC, DEFAULT and FULL. Add your new field as your requirement. I want to send this field for only detailed requests with FULL.

<bean parent="fieldSetLevelMapping" id="productWsDTOFieldSetLevelMapping">
    <property name="dtoClass"
    <property name="levelMapping">
            <entry key="BASIC"
            <entry key="DEFAULT"
            <entry key="FULL"

run ant clean all

You can find the new field in the class de.hybris.platform.commercewebservicescommons.dto.product.ProductWsDTO

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